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Praising • Preparing • Proclaiming • 

Praising • Preparing • Proclaiming • 

Praising • Preparing • Proclaiming • 

Praising • Preparing • Proclaiming • 

Praising • Preparing • Proclaiming • 


(Birth – 6th Grade)

Our Kid’s Ministry is here to welcome your kids during our Sunday services as well as our KidVenture and Activate Wednesday evening programs. Whichever your child comes to, you can trust that they are developing their faith, having fun, and building Christ-centered friendships!

Sunday Mornings

9 & 11 am

Wednesday Nights

6:30 pm

Jessica Lopez

Kids Min Director

Jess Macias

Kids Min Assistant

Sunday Mornings

Nursery – 3 years Old

Our Nursery program is aimed to create a positive church experience that introduces kids to the love of Jesus early on. We understand the first years of life lay the foundation for growth and development which is why we provide fun and safe environments for children to learn and grow. Our leaders are trained to care for the little ones you have entrusted to us.

3 years old – Kindergarten

In our class for three to five year olds, your child will learn about God through a curriculum tailored to their age. They will learn what it means to worship God through fun, Christ-centered songs. They will learn about the amazing stories in the Bible in a fun and interactive way. They will bring the stories to life through art crafts. Last but not least, they will learn what it means to love their neighborhood through group activities and learning opportunities during the class. We believe that children are never too young to learn about God and that through God’s grace anything is possible

1st – 6th Grade

Our elementary children’s ministry is designed to provide a biblical foundation for children to learn and grow into a deep relationship with God. Each service is filled with age-appropriate worship and bible lessons that teach your kids the Word of God. We connect with your kids and partner with you to guide their child toward God. Our goal is to raise up the next generation of believers who will honor and glorify the Lord.

Wednesday Nights

Kid Venture (Pre K – 3rd grade)


At Kid Venture, your child will go on the greatest adventure of all—following Jesus!  Each week kids study the Bible, play exciting games, worship God through music and singing, and pray with their group. Our goal is for your child to form lasting relationships with friends and leaders and to grow in their knowledge of the Bible.

Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | NW Kids Park

Activate (4th – 6th grade)


Activate is designed to help 4th – 6th graders take their next step of their faith. Our mission is to activate their faith, while showing them the road to God’s love. Each week kids will hear great Bible lessons and spend time talking about their faith in small groups, where they can mature spiritually and build lasting relationships with their friends and leaders.  At Activate your child will study the Bible, play exciting games, worship God through music and singing, and pray with their group.

Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | NW Kids Park

Special Needs

We believe that church should be a place where every child feels welcomed, loved, and secure.

Our Special Needs program is designed for children ages 4 through 18 and meets every Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Room 108. Your child will experience a unique and loving environment created for children with special needs. This includes: a time of worship, prayer, lesson, craft time and free time. Qualified volunteers will care for your son or daughter while you enjoy a weekend service.


(7th – 12th Grade)

At NW Youth Group your student will discover a vibrant community where they can find acceptance and, most importantly, encounter Jesus. Our ministry is specifically designed for junior high and high school students, focusing on building meaningful relationships and understanding what it means to live as a believer alongside other believers.

Every Wednesday, we host a fun-filled night packed with activities, games, worship, and a relevant message aimed at guiding your student in their daily life. Our program encourages personal growth and strengthens their faith.

NW Youth Group is a place where your student can thrive spiritually and socially. We look forward to welcoming them into our community!

Sunday Mornings

11:00 am

Wednesday Nights

6:00 pm

David Lopez

Students Pastor


Our world and families today are in desperate need of having Godly men lead. Our Men’s Ministry is aimed at cultivating the Christ-like characteristics it takes to be this type of man.

We also have a desire to develop a community of men dedicated to building real relationships and spiritual maturity. Our aim is to be men of strong character and integrity who serve and support one another, our families, and even extends out to our community.

Kevin Ross

Mens Min Director


Mens Monthly Gatherings

Last Tuesday of every month

Location: Student Ministry Building
Time: 6:30 PM


We provide women of all ages and backgrounds a place to connect and an environment to be encouraged. Each day we desire to grow deeper together in our daily walk with the Lord. We do this by creating an atmosphere where every woman feels that they have a place they belong no matter their age, season of life or style. We desire to become sisters at heart through encouraging and lifting each other up.

Bible Studies


Joy of Living Study of Hebrews
(Led by Shirley Chavarria)

  • 6:15pm-8:15pm | Room 115
  • Childcare Available


Women of Wisdom
(Led by: Frances Ribera-Shaw)

  • 10am-11am | Students Building


The Good Shepherd of John Study
(Led by: Linda Alstrom)

  • 11am-12pm | Students Building




(45 & Up)

If you’re an empty-nester ages 45 & up, we are excited to introduce Encore, a new ministry designed just for you! Encore is all about building meaningful connections with others in the same life stage while fostering spiritual growth and having a lot of fun along the way. From engaging fellowship opportunities to enriching planned trips, Encoré is a place to thrive in this new season of life.

Rob Bausman

Rob Bausman

Encore Director

Prime Timers


Our world needs grandparents and senior adults who model godly characteristics, demonstrate virtuous living, and mentor those coming after them in the Christian faith.

Through Prime Timers Ministry, our church is responding to the large and growing group of mature adults within the churches and communities we serve. Within this group can be found “spiritual scholars” who have valuable resources which are vital to the health and growth of our local church ministries. Among these resources are wisdom, experience, traditions, stability, spiritual maturity, and love for their church and church family.

Bob Small

Seniors Pastor


Northwest takes seriously the mandate that Jesus gave His church in Acts 1:8, “You shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We are committed to be faithful witnesses in our “Jerusalem,” the city of Fresno, as well as throughout the world. We partner with many local, national, and international missionaries to spread the gospel to everyone on earth.

Kevin Ross

Missions Pastor

Global Partners

D.R.Congo, Africa – Fredy Tshibanda

Meet human needs and share the gospel through the Grace of God Clinic/hospital and an orphanage.

West African Vocational Schools – Chris and Holly Collins

Guinea Bissau

Mission: WAVS is a Christian non-profit ministry that works hand-in-hand with local leaders in Guinea-Bissau, to offer job training and economic development programs while sharing the Good News of the gospel in one of the world’s smallest and poorest countries.

Waleta Indonesia – Ronny Welong

Manado, Indonesia

Mission: Train indigenous leaders throughout Indonesia to pastor and plant churches to reach Indonesia for Christ.

Ethnos 360 – Coleton and Shawna Williams

Papua New Guinea

Mission: Reach the Kuman tribe for Christ by evangelism, discipleship and planting churches.

Youth for Christ, International  Leonard Fernando

Sri Lanka

Mission: Reach the young people for Christ through various ministries and disciple them

Youth for Christ, Lebanon – Maher El Hajj


Mission: Reach every young people in Lebanon for the gospel.

Novo – Ryan & Amy


Mission: Sending creative missionaries to multiple movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for that mission around the world.

Local Partners

Central Fresno Young Life


Mission: To introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith.

Link Care Foundation – Jennifer Smith


Mission: To provide a place for restoration and healing for missionaries and pastors that are experiencing emotional difficulties and trauma. We also provide counseling from a Christian perspective for the community and church.

New Creation Ministries – Russell Willingham


Mission: Provide biblical counseling for the sexually broken and addicted, facilitating their healing and restoration to wholeness in Christ, as well as, for broken marriages.

Mission: Sharing Christ’s love to build communities of hope with new Americans.

Mission Trips

Mexico Missions Trip 2025

April 13 – 18

• Ensenada, Mexico
• Passport is required for entry into Mexico.
• Jr High student must be accompanied by parent/guardian.




Rooted Groups

Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community, and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways.

Beyond a program, seminar, class or small group, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change and connection in your group. Rooted provokes questions and conversations and offers beyond-what is comfortable group experience designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story.

Rooted is an 11-week experience offered 2 times per year (Fall & Spring). The cost is $25/ person. This includes the cost of your materials, the experiences during Rooted, the Celebration Dinner, and childcare if you need it.

As you complete Rooted, you will have the opportunity to stay with your group and become an on-going Rooted Group. This is the best way to get connected to a group. Click the "Join a Group" link below to join the Rooted list!

Fredy Tshibanda

Life Group Pastor


If you are interested in Lay Biblical Counseling, please click on the link below to complete an intake form. Please answer each question and press submit when your form is complete. Your completed form will be sent directly to our Director, Brent Lindquist. He will review your form within two working days. You will be placed on our waitlist. Your counselor will contact you directly regarding your appointment day and time.

How can I prepare for my sessions:
Document Link

What is Lay Biblical Counseling:
Document Link

Policies & Procedures:
Document Link

Call: (559) 492-7656

(Private Counseling line for voice mail and text message)

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery offers hope and healing from the hurts, habits, and hang-ups we experience in life. Thousands of lives have been transformed through this Christian recovery program that combines the 12 Steps with 8 Biblical Principles.

New to CR or recovery? Wondering how to get started? Don’t know what group to try? If you have questions or just need to get connected, our Newcomers 101 group is the place to start. It meets during the 7:30 Open Share group time. You’ll get to find out about Celebrate Recovery and what we do every Thursday night!

Thursday Nights

  • 5:30 pm | Dinner
  • 6:30 pm | Worship
  • 7:30 pm | Share Groups
  • 8:30 pm | Dessert

What to Expect

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a safe place where people can recover from life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Anonymity and confidentiality are an important part of this large group/small group format that teaches biblical principles with the 12 Steps of recovery to bring about real life change.

  • Good food
  • Great music
  • Acceptance
  • Free childcare
  • Prayer support
  • Caring people
  • 12 Steps of recovery
  • Opportunities to serve
  • Proven biblical principles
  • Encouraging message or testimony

Share Groups

CODEPENDENCY Those who try to fix, help, or people-please to their own detriment

SUBSTANCE ABUSE Drugs, alcohol, prescription meds

FOOD ISSUES Any kind of food abuse

PURITY Sexual purity, relationship integrity

ABUSE Physical, sexual, or emotional

HURTS, HABITS, AND HANG-UPS General issues or uncertain of main issues

Experience NWC

Join Us In-Person

Our team is ready to welcome and connect with you.


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Live and on demand.



Fox 26: 8:00 AM | My 53: 11:00 AM



Thank you for partnering with us in expanding His kingdom.
